It’s the hypocrisy, stupid! Massive list of leftist love for Rand Paul’s neighbor – with receipts –

The brutal attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, has created a firestorm of political finger pointing, but it’s hard to miss the hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to violent attacks against politicians or their families.
We’ve reported the emerging, and strange, and even stranger, details of the attack as the story develops. Needless to say, the story is a hot mess, and the need for the Left to blame Republicans has made it even messier.
Most Republicans seem unable or unwilling to condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi. Their silence should be remembered. Including Trump’s.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 29, 2022
The calls for Republicans to ‘condemn’ the attack surfaced as reliably as Joe Biden getting lost on stage. This is right out of the leftist playbook. It goes without saying that the assault on Paul Pelosi is vile and despicable. Asking someone to ‘condemn’ the attack really means ‘you’re responsible for this violence, so you need to denounce your guy’. Don’t play that game.
Time will tell if Paul Pelosi’s attacker was motivated by any particular political ideology. Michael Shellenberger has an excellent writeup on what may turn out to be the best explanation for this: the guy is a drug-addled nutcase (our words, not Shellenberger’s).
What most of us couldn’t help notice was the hypocrisy of the Left. Just last month a teenager was murdered by a man who ran him over, thinking he was a ‘Republican extremist’. Crickets from the Left.
The most obvious case of left wing hypocrisy, however, is the ongoing infatuation by some on the Left with Rand Paul’s neighbor. It’s not a matter of condemning the attack on Rand Paul for these people. They’ve condoned, defended, mocked, praised, and celebrated the attack, and they continue to do so.
Friendly reminder that Rand Paul’s neighbor was right about everything.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) August 13, 2022
We’ll spare you all the tweets this guy made about Rand Paul’s neighbor.
Which friend of yours attacked Paul?
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) October 28, 2022
Tony’s concerned about violence now.
Fauci has covid and he still went all Rand Paul’s neighbor on Rand Paul today.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) June 16, 2022
They love the guy who brutally assaulted a senator.
When will Kevin McCarthy apologize?
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) October 29, 2022
Let us know, Adam, when McCarthy says someone ‘went all Paul Pelosi’s attacker’ on someone else.
Today we are all Rand Paul’s neighbor
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 12, 2022
Keith is the poster child for frothing spittle-laced rants that might incite a fellow wacko. He identifies with Rand Paul’s neighbor.
Condolences are fascist now.
Thoughts and Prayers for Rand Paul’s neighbor
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 12, 2021
Tom excels at finding the bottom of the barrel and hanging out there.
I don’t think we could pay Rand Paul’s neighbor enough money to live next to Ted Cruz
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) January 16, 2021
Rand Paul’s neighbor tried to save America.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) November 30, 2020
America stands with Rand Paul’s next door neighbor. Rand Paul used to hate @realDonaldTrump Now @RandPaul sucks up to him. Rand Paul’s next door neighbor has never wavered. He has always hated Rand Paul. Tonight I stand with Rand Paul’s next door neighbor. #TrumpChaos
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) August 26, 2020
Real nice, Tom.
Tom is now concerned about violence.
I don’t condone or approve of Rand Paul’s neighbor, but I sure do understand him.
— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) August 30, 2021
We’re all Rand Paul’s neighbor today.
— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) September 23, 2020
Welcome to the thread, morally bankrupt ‘Christian’ pastor.
If this monstrous MAGA GOP gets control of Congress (and the White House by extension, in 2024) attacks like that against the Pelosi family will be both commonplace and supported by those in power.
If you’re a decent human being, this would be the time to stand up and be heard.
— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) October 29, 2022
Decent human beings don’t identify with people who assault senators.
Rand Paul is a coward. Here attacking Charles Booker.
Rand was beaten up by his next door neighbor. That’s how he got 5 broken ribs.
Rand Paul is a fake doctor and fake Kentuckian…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) October 4, 2022
Every time Rand Paul talks, the world falls just a little bit more in love with his old neighbor.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 24, 2021
You had to know Rex would make an appearance.
How is this real life?
They’re joking about an assassination attempt of the speaker of the house. Would they be joking just the same if Newt Gingrich’ or Paul Ryan’s spouses had been attacked inside their own homes?
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) October 29, 2022
Now Rex is worried about jokes about violence?
Sometimes I feel like Rand Paul’s neighbor. Ya know?
— Chip (@chipfranklin) November 13, 2020
Chip loves him some Rand Paul’s neighbor.
Smash the ❤️ if you want to send all the love in the world to @SpeakerPelosi and her husband right now.
— Chip (@chipfranklin) October 28, 2022
Chip also cares about violence when it happens to his side.
We see Dr. Fauci is cosplaying as Rand Paul’s neighbor today.
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) July 20, 2021
Nice reaction to the brutal attack on Rand Paul.
The Republican Party reactions to the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi are absolutely despicable. This is a party that normalizes and stokes violence, crime and domestic terrorism.
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) October 28, 2022
Every day that passes, I love Rand Paul’s neighbor more
— Terry Kinney (@RealTerryKinney) July 20, 2021
Seriously? He LOVES him?
Zero shame👇🏽
— Terry Kinney (@RealTerryKinney) October 28, 2022
Yes, zero shame.
Dear, Rand Paul’s neighbor: We see you, Bro. We. See. You.
— Rachel Vindman 🌻 (@natsechobbyist) February 11, 2021
Not this lady. Rand Paul’s neighbor is her ‘bro’.
Extremism is never random. It’s deliberate and meant to intimidate and cause chaos.
— Rachel Vindman 🌻 (@natsechobbyist) October 29, 2022
The hypocrisy is overwhelming.
More and more I’m understanding Rand Paul’s neighbor.
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) February 9, 2021
Oh do you now, David?
I hope @elonmusk is paying attention to the news about the attempted attack on Speaker Pelosi regarding social media. If there’s no accountability hate speech, it manifests to violence.
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) October 29, 2022
Maybe Elon should read this entire thread.
Admit it. These days we all sort of wish we had been Rand Paul’s neighbor. #Punchline
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 25, 2021
Pronouns: (clown/Rand Paul’s Neighbor)
The hateful conspiracy theories that the assailant spouted online and led to him violently assault Paul Pelosi are the same ones spread by extremists in the GOP.
If you sit out this election, you encourage more of this through your inaction. Treat the threat seriously. Vote.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) October 29, 2022
Stop encouraging violence, George.
My wish for 2021 is that Rand Paul’s neighbor moves next door to Ted Cruz.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) January 7, 2021
Senator Paul called out this weasel for that (now deleted) tweet, after receiving a death threat in the form of a suspicious package.
It’s just Richard Marx mainstreaming political violence …
… which is really bad and stuff.
President Joe Biden’s first action in office should be to award Rand Paul’s neighbor the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
— Rich Campbell (@RCampbellmc58) November 30, 2020
Many on the left have truly lionized Rand Paul’s neighbor because he brutally assaulted a politician they hate.
Rich sucks.
Dr. Fauci knocked Sen. Rand Paul back so hard you’d think he was Paul’s neighbor
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) September 23, 2020
Jezebel loves some violent imagery …
Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Was Violently Assaulted With a Hammer in Their Home Overnight
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) October 28, 2022
… sometimes.
Delayed reaction, but I’d like to buy Rand Paul’s neighbor a keg of beer.
— Lesley Abravanel 🪩 (@lesleyabravanel) September 23, 2020
She would like to buy him a keg of beer for savagely beating a senator? What word could we use to describe someone who thinks this way? …
— Lesley Abravanel 🪩 (@lesleyabravanel) October 28, 2022
Vile. That’s a good word.
Jim Cramer called #NancyPelosi “Crazy Nancy” to her face on his show, then said he was just imitating Trump. Nancy should punch him in the teeth and say she was just imitating Rand Paul’s neighbor.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) September 16, 2020
My dream lineup tonight: Rand Paul’s neighbor, Mary Trump, and the pool boy telling all!!
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
Bette Midler has made no secret of letting everyone know how much she admires Rand Paul’s attacker.
Donald might just as well have wielded the hammer himself.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) October 28, 2022
Bette might just as well have tackled Rand Paul herself.
Anytime I need to feel just a little bit of hope about the world, I think of the time Rand Paul’s neighbor beat his ass and broke six of his ribs.
— Mike Monteiro🌹 (@monteiro) June 30, 2020
Thinking about the injuries Rand Paul sustained gives this guy hope.
He’s also very concerned about increasing political violence.
Free Rand Paul’s neighbor.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 4, 2020
That assault was justified, in their minds, because they hate Rand Paul.
Not hearing a lot today about an *actual* attack on Paul Pelosi by someone looking to kill Nancy Pelosi from any of the folks who thought that protestors outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house was the most dangerous act in modern American history.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) October 28, 2022
Brian didn’t mind celebrating an *actual* attack against Rand Paul.
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Says Rand Paul’s Neighbor Was ‘Right’ After Paul Diagnosed With Virus
— RedState (@RedState) March 24, 2020
Remember this one?
Rand Paul’s next door neighbor really took one for the team for all of us. Google that.
— Grant Stern is boosted! (@grantstern) July 17, 2019
‘Took one for the team for all of us’.
Hate always invites violence. When a political party’s main tool is spreading hate, then what are they?
— Grant Stern is boosted! (@grantstern) October 29, 2022
What if you’re the bad guy, Grant?
Molly decided to delete this gem within the past year (we’d love to know if it was recently).
Yes, Rand Paul’s criminal assailant should run in 2020. Good look, Molly.
Someone broke into the speaker of the houses home and beat her husband with a hammer. Perhaps it’s time to lower the temperature of the political discourse?
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 28, 2022
You think?
Imagine if this had happened to a republican
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 29, 2022
Molly would want them to run for President, apparently.
This was exhausting. Hypocrites, all the way down.