Examples of Personal Injury Claims

Examples of Personal Injury Claims

In somewhat surprising news, we have seen recently some worrying statistics regarding the number of people who are injured in accents which weren’t their fault, who refuse to claim compensation. In fact just last week we saw a Connecticut car accident lawyer on the news discussing this, who cited the fact that not enough people believe they have a claim, as the main reason why we are seeing such low numbers of claimants. With this in mind we wanted to discuss some of the types of person injuries which can be claimed for. 

Road Traffic Accidents 

One of the most common types of claims are from people who have been injured in a road traffic accident. If you have been involved in an accident which wasn’t your fault, and you were left injured as a result, then you absolutely have the grounds on which to make a claim. This could be for an injury as minor as whiplash or something more severe such as broken bones or lacerations. 

Accidents At Work 

Your safety at work is the responsibility of your employer, and they are legally obliged to ensure that the workplace is as safe as possible. This also means that you must have the proper training which is required for you to remain safe in the workplace. If you have an accident at work and it was because of negligence on the part of your employer, it can be a very tough time indeed. Some are left severely injured and also face anxiety about going back to work. In such a situation you can claim for compensation against your employer, whose negligence caused your accident. 

Slips, Trips and Falls

Another very common claim is that of slips, trips and falls, which can occur on private property because someone has not done their job correctly. The majority of these happen when someone has spilled something, and it has not been cleaned up promptly. Additionally we see incidents whereby people fall over objects which have been left in places where they shouldn’t. If you have fallen in public because of this kind of negligence, it is important that you seek out legal assistance and kickstart the process of making a claim. 

Medical Negligence

Medical negligence and malpractice can often result in life changing or life threatening injuries. Now it is important to note that not all incidents which take place in a hospital can be considered as malpractice or negligence, given the important decisions which doctors and surgeons must make on a daily basis. If however you believe that you have been a victim in this kind of situation, then it is an absolute must that you seek out legal counsel. Given the severity of medical negligence, you have every right to claim compensation and bringing a case like this can greatly help reduce the risk of something similar from happening again. 

These are just some of examples of personal injury claims which are made each and every day. If you have been involved in an accident which left you injured, it is important that you speak to a legal team to get some advice as to how you should proceed.