Career Scope With Law Education – An Overview


Gone are the times when law was considered to be a legacy profession inherited from a generation to another. Today, law is one of the most sought after professions by students across the country. Why not, they have a lot of opportunities in form of corporate houses, administrative services, law agencies, firms and more in store once out with the degree.

Of course, every profession has a flip side to it, that’s the way it is. Let us first run down through the brighter sides of a Law career and vice versa thereon.


A degree in law helps you across all professions, personally as well, in one way or other. As a law student, you learn to think critically, get in-depth knowledge of legal processes and even enhance your abilities to analyze things. You are never in a dilemma when it comes to signing legal documents or doing legal formalities. There is clarity of thought & confidence due to understanding of the subject and an as-certainty as well that no one could fool around with you, when it comes to legal matters.

A legal degree is like value addition to your career. Even if you pursue a job or do a business, with the legal backing, you have an edge over others, always. You’re good with the law books, then you’re good with decision making in matters where law matters. Also, if you are looking forward to a career in politics, a degree in law is highly recommended.

Now, about the most important part of it – In case you are of the notion that law does not pay well, then you need to rethink because it depends. If you have the skills, law will pay your bills for sure. With law there is a slow start, yes. But, if you are worthy enough, there is no looking back, all the more because the corporate giants are in the market place looking out for cream of the crop.

Here is the bottom line – there are lawyers who charge around a lac to crore per court appearance, based on their expertise, so it goes without saying that law is a lucrative career, indeed.


There is a price involved with the degree, financials I mean and the returns take time to come in. Therefore, it is advisable that only if you are passionate about pursuing it, go ahead, take admission. Initially, this career offers a low start and might take a while before you accelerate or take a leap. Persistence and patience – are the keywords when in the law profession.

Also, many a companies do not take into account the additional law qualification backing your main stream one. So, sometimes that extra does not work for you, the way it should. This is when you are into professions that are not associated to law in any way.

At the end, moral of the story is – if you think you have it in you, the zing, the passion and the qualities like orator-ship, sound listening, patience, spontaneity, communication skills & patience inbuilt, then rest assured no one in the world can stop you from charting a successful and high paying career in law. If not then you better go with plan B.

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